Author name: admcrp25

Unlocking Productivity: Transforming Meetings into Powerful Drivers

I have seen first-hand the notorious productivity drain that meetings can cause in various types and sizes of companies. Countless hours can be spent in meetings without a clear objective, leading to frustration and wasted time.  In fact, when I need to get something done, another meeting is exactly what I do not need. However, …

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The Work of a Fractional COO: Behind the Scenes of Building a Business

In the previous part of this series, we discussed the first two essential aspects to consider as a fractional COO. I’ve shared how I set myself up for a successful day and the decision-making process.  As promised, in this second part, I will dive deeper into the other significant parts of my work. Whether you …

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The Work of a Fractional COO: Behind the Scenes of Making Decisions

Many founders consider hiring a Chief Operating Officer (COO) when a company needs to grow and scale. Their role is to support the CEO and other leaders of the business in building strong operations.  Not all companies need a full-time COO. In fact an experienced fractional COO can achieve the same results as a full-time …

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How Can Onboarding Help You Build Thriving Relationships with Clients and Talent

Experience has taught me that a strong onboarding process can set you off to a great collaboration. It makes the difference between a fruitful long-term relationship with clients and talent and a chaotic workflow. There are specific elements that make the onboarding process effective. Learn my methods to make it work in your favor. I …

How Can Onboarding Help You Build Thriving Relationships with Clients and Talent Read More »

Fearless Leadership: What it Means to Me and How I Apply It in Business

Being a leader in today’s fast-paced business world requires a certain level of courage. The ability to make bold decisions and take calculated risks can be the difference between success and failure. Yet, many leaders struggle with fear and uncertainty. This holds them back from taking their business to the next level. In this article, …

Fearless Leadership: What it Means to Me and How I Apply It in Business Read More »

Case Study: Goal Completion Rate Increased by 190% for B2B Tech Service Provider

Introduction I worked with my client, a B2B Tech Service Provider in the Financial space, on implementing a goal setting and monitoring framework. Within 6 months since the beginning of our collaboration we obtained the following results:  The client had invested in developing its own proprietary technical solution. The company has not been profitable for …

Case Study: Goal Completion Rate Increased by 190% for B2B Tech Service Provider Read More »

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